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        IEC 61131-3 编程语言
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    Using the OD-Builder you can comfortably create and modify EDS (electronic data sheet) files, the corresponding object dictionary can be exported on mouse-click. The intuitive user interface provides you will all functions required for effective work. In the process, inputs are constantly checked to plausibility.

    The concise presentation of the object directory as a tree structure allows quick access to the object entries. Appropriate dynamic input masks are displayed for the individual object types. DS 301 compliant variable types, access types and object types are available in the form of pull-down menus. All other parameters can be set individually using the various input fields or selection buttons. The current working status of the object directory is stored in a project file. This allows for chronologically staggered processing of different projects without loss of information.
    Importing of an already existing EDS is simply done. After parsing the file, the information content is transferred to an object directory by the OD-Builder. The objects parameters can then be adapted to the respective application or are even individually saved. You can export the object directory created as C-source text and integrated it in an existing CANopen project. The associated EDS file is output according to the CANopen specification DSP 306. This ensures consistency between the object directory and the EDS file. This eliminates, the former tedious creation of the object directory in source text. Thereby the OD-Builder cuts development times and reduces workload considerably. The risk of input errors and inconsistency is minimized.


    • Convenient editing and creation of EDS files and the corresponding Object Dictionary
    • Concise presentation of the entries
    • Input masks reduce the risk of input error
    • Ongoing plausibility check of entries
    • Import and export of EDS files in accordance with DSP 306
    • Export of the object directory in C-source for direct incorporation in CANopen projects

    CAN 和 CANopen

    接口和网关 Ethernet POWERLINK


    模块按应用分类 模块按架构分类
    操作系统层可编程模块 IEC 61131-3 可编程模块 VHDL 可编程模块



    CANopen I/O 模块 开发和配置工具





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    020-3874 3032;13434369840 | sales@hj-baofeng.net | 广州虹科电子科技有限公司 | 版权所有 | 广州市科学城神舟路18号润慧科技园C栋6层    
