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Matrikon® FLEX OPC UA SDK (嵌入式和PC应用程序)


Matrikon是唯一供应商能够提供OPC UA Embedded Server SDK可扩展,覆盖设备的每个分类。无论你的产品开发想要最少的单位成本还是最大性能,我们都有合适的解决方案给你。

嵌入式OPC UA的优势

  • 消除昂贵的和时间消耗的基于寄存器数据的配置
  • 能够从任何OPC UA客户端直接的定点和点击设备配置、管理和监视
  • 促进你的设备成为自动化领域的第一类公民。你的客户不再需要通过第三方系统整理数据,然后转移数据到需要的地方

Matrikon OPC UA Embedded Server 软件开发包 (SDK)

OPC UA嵌入式服务器SDK是一款软件开发包,允许你快速和轻松地添加OPC UA服务器到你的嵌入式产品中。详细>>

Matrikon OPC UA Device Server 硬件开发包 (HDK)

该款OPC UA设备服务器硬件开发包是一条最容易的途径,通过Matrikon OPC UA嵌入式服务器软件开发包起步。详细>>

Matrikon OPC UA Embedded Server SDK评估包

该款OPC UA嵌入式服务器SDK评估包允许你快速和轻松评估该SDK,无需购买或安装任何开发工具于你的电脑上。详细>>


Why embed OPC UA in a device?
In the automation systems of today, end users need to visualize the behavior of their processes and installations in real time to better understand them and maximize their cost-effectiveness. Devices are connected to the end user via other devices and applications that must all be configured in order to pass information up the chain. This configuration is complex enough that many installations expose only a small amount of the available information to the end user.

If every device was intelligent and on the network, end users could have access to all of the available information at any given time. Thanks to OPC UA and Matrikon OPC UA Embedded Server Software Development Kit (SDK), intelligent networked devices are now a reality. Matrikon OPC UA SDK allows the integration of a fully compliant, high performance OPC UA Server directly into your device.

The Matrikon Advantage
Matrikon, the leader in OPC technology provides significant value to the manufacturing space. Now, Matrikon extends data connectivity offering from the desktop down to the micro-controller level enabled by OPC UA. OPC UA Embedded technology complements Matrikon's existing portfolio, and positions Matrikon at the fore front of the emerging device to enterprise open data connectivity market.




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