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We are a high-tech company specializing in automation, digitization in industry and manufacturing, automotive R&D testing, AR, medical and industrial monitoring, biotech, electronic testing, optoelectronics, satellite communication, network visualization, and cloud technology. We provide one-stop solutions and quality services to industry clients, driving technological advancement for societal development.For more details……

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HongKe News
德思特TMTS线上研讨会 汽车售后3月技术直播 CAN数据链路层详解 CAN总线基础之物理层篇
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 Luminary | From a Technical Novice to the Leading Automotive Oscilloscope Diagnostic Expert in China! 2024-08-12  News | HongKe's Guangzhou Headquarters has relocated to a new address. We welcome you to visit the HongKe Building! 2023-08-28
 News | HongKe and GPNU jointly unveiled the Intelligent Automotive Laboratory! 2023-03-22  News | HongKe's CEO, Chen Qiuyuan, has been honored with the Annual Industrial Innovation Personality Award! 2023-03-07
 News | HongKe has been recognized as a Specialized and Special new Enterprise of Guangdong Province in 2022. 2023-01-03  News | The list of the top innovative ICV enterprises for 2022 has just been released, and HongKe has made it to the list! 2022-12-02
HongKe Solution
虹科自动驾驶解决方案 虹科多站点SCADA方案
虹科振动冲击监测方案 虹科风电齿轮箱温度采集方案
虹科数字化+AR解决方案 虹科振动冲击监测方案
德思特仿真测试方案 友思特解决方案
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