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首页 产品 Netway API 支持      


Netway product warranty and technical support (hardware support and free software/firmware upgrades) is included with every new Netway Tool for one full year from the purchase date.

Extended warranty and technical support can be purchased after the initial period expires at the following rates:

  • 1 year extension: $200 per unit
  • 4 year extension: $600 per unit

Extended support and hardware upgrades (Trade-in are also available) for Netway Tools can be advantageous for the following reasons:

  • Product warranty and technical support are extended for an additional year.
  • Replacement existing device with the latest hardware, options and protocols, firmware, and software revisions are available at discount prices.
  • New software, firmware, or hardware options, such as daughter boards for additional channels or custom protocols, can be purchased separately


In order to download Netway Application and/or Premium Control Libraries, user must Register with Smart Engineering Tools, Inc. and obtain a valid Login Name and Password.

虹科 > 汽车电子 > Netway 我们是CiA协会会员
Netway 84 OBDII
Netway 84 HD15
Netway 80 FlexRay
Netway 72
Netway 72 PCI
Netway 72 PXI
Netway API



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广州:020-3874 3032 | 上海:021-6728 3703 | 北京:010-5781 5068 | 西安:029-8187 3816

sales@hj-baofeng.net | 广州虹科电子科技有限公司 | 版权所有 | 广州市科学城神舟路18号润慧科技园C栋6层    
