
      提供 openPOWERLINK 服务和支持!

      To assist you in developing your POWERLINK-enabled product we provide plenty of services.

      This may start with trainings and adaptation workshops. The training may contain the following topics:
      • Introduction into POWERLINK in general
      • Introduction into the openPOWERLINK Protocol Stack and its API
      • Commissioning the openPOWERLINK Development Kit
      • Further topics on request

      We offer support contracts for email and telephone support.

      openPOWERLINK Service and Support packages

      openPOWERLINK BASIC Support

      With our "BASIC Support" for the openPOWERLINK Protocol Stack, we offer basic service and support to customers using openPOWERLINK.

      Target group:

      • openPOWERLINK users that intend to apply openPOWERLINK to smaller projects and that need assistance during the initial stage

      Scope of services:

      • Support via phone and email
      • If the fix of a reported error requires a new release, the customer receives access to an intermediate release of the openPOWERLINK Protocol Stack independently from official releases
      • Support is valid for the period of 3 month

      openPOWERLINK PREMIUM Support

      The "PREMIUM Support" for the openPOWERLINK Protocol Stack offers an extended range of services to customers using openPOWERLINK

      Target group:

      • openPOWERLINK users that intend to apply openPOWERLINK to a lager project and that need assistance based on long-term considerations

      Scope of services:

      • Support via phone and email
      • Access to intermediate releases of the openPOWERLINK Protocol Stack if the fix of a reported error requires a new release – independently from official releases
      • 1-day workshop in Greiz (customer-defined content)
      • Validity: 1 year

      We implement the driver for your specific Ethernet controller. Further development may include but is not limited to:

      • Adaptation of openPOWERLINK to your target platform (optionally on your location)
      • Application software development
      • FPGA and hardware development
      • Implementation of a SPI or DPRAM interface to your application processor
      • Assistance with preparation and accomplishment of conformance test of your POWERLINK-device

      If you need more information or if you have suggestions about our openPOWERLINK Service & Support and if you have any particular question, feel free to contact us at 020-38744538 anytime! We are looking forward to assisting you in your needs.


          020-3874 4528 ; 3874 4538 | sales@hj-baofeng.net
         广州虹科电子科技有限公司  版权所有
         华南理工大学 国家科技园 2-504
        CANopen I/O模块
        Ethernet POWERLINK
      全部产品系列 > 自动化产品 > SYSTEC > POWERLINK服务和支持