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  • DNP3 OPC Server
  • GE Turbines OPC Server Suite
  • IEC 61400-25 OPC Server
  • IEC 61850 OPC Server
  • Mitsubishi Turbine Controllers OPC Server
  • NEG Micon OPC Server
  • OPC Server for Modbus
  • Siemens Wind Turbines OPC Server
  • Vestas Wind Turbine Controller OPC Server
  • MatrikonOPC Genie (Generic Information Exchange)

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Why Choose MatrikonOPC Turbine Controller Suite
Real-Time data connectivity to industry Turbine Controller systems is the core of MatrikonOPC’s business. We are proud of the breadth of offering that we present as a company in our Turbine Controller suite of products. There has been a great investment in partnering with the major players in the industry to ensure comprehensive testing on the latest hardware to ensure total compliance.

At MatrikonOPC our vision for our Turbine Controller suite of OPC Servers to provide users with access to the right data, at the right time, in the right applications to make the best business choices possible. This ability to view the right data at the right time provides MatrikonOPC customers a distinct advantage over their competition.

The MatrikonOPC Advantage
MatrikonOPC, the leaders in OPC technology provide significant value to the manufacturing space. The customers of MatrikonOPC rely on MatrikonOPC because MatrikonOPC:

  • Plays a key role in the OPC foundation
  • Have expertise in OPC technology training
  • Have OPC expertise deployed in all parts of the world
  • Have a breadth of OPC device connectivity
  • Serves as a focal point for all htmlects of OPC connectivity
  • Works with all vendors to achieve true interoperability
  • Lead in technology innovation
  • Is hardware agnostic

Global Presence
With 18 offices globally, MatrikonOPC is always where the customers are. MatrikonOPC is known in all parts of the world as The OPC Experts. Having a global presence enables MatrikonOPC to react quickly to customer problems in the customer’s time zone. MatrikonOPC is the only company in the world with a depth of engineering knowledge and the expertise in designing and implementing advanced OPC-centric data architectures anywhere in the world.

Never a follower, always in the driver’s seat, MatrikonOPC has been on the forefront of technology innovation. 40% of revenue from MatrikonOPC is put back into research and development. MatrikonOPC focuses on delivering technology that solves today’s problems today. Some innovations:

  • The first company to create OPC redundancy
  • Invented OPC Tunnelling
  • First to develop OPC guaranteed delivery
  • First company to implement shop floor to the top floor connectivity
  • World’s first and most installed OPC DA client application
  • World’s first non Windows OPC connectivity
  • World’s first real-time server to server application
  • World’s first (and only) historical data server to server applications
  • World’s first commercially available A&E server

At MatrikonOPC we take our promise of providing users with reliable OPC technology extremely seriously. We have constructed some of the strictest Quality Assurance standards on the market today. Their mission is to eliminate troublesome issues so that users will have a truly plug-and-play experience.




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sales@hj-baofeng.net | 广州虹科电子科技有限公司 | 版权所有 | 广州科学城润慧科技园C栋6层
