
FAQ: Your questions - our answers

We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about MSR dataloggers. Should you not be able to find the answer you are looking for here, then please e-mail your question to support@hj-baofeng.net!

Click on a question to read the answer.

  • Can MSR dataloggers be calibrated?

    Yes. MRS dataloggers are given an individual and unique serial number, which means they fulfil the requirements for individual calibration. A calibration laboratory of your choice can carry out calibration. Many MSR dealers offer this service.

  • Is the battery exchangeable?

    MSR dataloggers are not fitted with a single-use battery but use a rechargeable battery instead. This battery is charged each time the unit is connected to a PC via a USB interface. One battery charge is sufficient to store data for approx. 6 months, depending upon the set conditions and ambient environment (ambient temperature, measurement rate, frequency with which data is read out, etc.). Other options are available should this be insufficient. Please consult us on this issue.

  • Is software for data evaluation?included with the datalogger?

    Yes. MSR dataloggers are supplied as complete units that are ready for use. All dataloggers are supplied with a USB connection cable together with combined configuration and data evaluation software.

  • Can MSR measurement data be exported?

    Yes. Measurement data can be exported in CSV format as a text file. Furthermore, the graphs created by the Viewer software can be saved as image files in BMP and JPG format. You will find the corresponding options in the File menu of the MSR Viewer software.

  • How can MSR measurement data be imported into Microsoft Excel?

    There is an easy solution to opening the CSV files created by the MSR software into Excel correctly. You will need to open excel FIRST, then do the following:

    1. Navigate to the "Data" tab in Excel. Pull down to "Import External Data" and select "Import Data".
    2. Navigate to where you saved your CSV data file, and select it. Once selected, the Excel "Text Import Wizard" will open and assist you in the rest of the process.
    3. In the first screen you are asked to identify the "original Data Type". Select "Delimited", then select the row you want to start importing and click "next".
    4. In the second screen you will be asked to select the delimiters to correctly segment the data. Select "Semi Colon" and click "next".
    5. Screen three of the Wizard will ask you to fine tune the import and change the data format for any of the column's. Make any changes you wish and click finish.

    A new file will open and you should be all set.

  • Can measurement data be read out from other applications or from custom programs via USB?

    Yes. For this purpose software developers can use our free DLL which allows access to the measurement data. The DLL together with examples and documentation can be downloaded directly from the following link: MSR DLL

  • What actually is a 3-axis accelerometer?

    In addition to temperature, humidity and pressure, an MSR datalogger can also be equipped with a 3-axis accelerometer. This registers accelerations (that occur when the logger is moved) in all three axes: backwards-forwards (x), right-left (y) and up-down (z). The dataloggers is continuously subjected to the force of gravity (acceleration due to gravity) which allows its actual position to be determined. By determining the position and forces of acceleration it is possible to answer a range of important questions such as: Has the datalogger been moved out of the area in which measurements are to be made? Have my ordered goods been subjected to a shock? When and for how long were my goods at customs or in the truck? Were my goods placed upside down at any time during transit? What is the movement of my laboratory shaker? When does an engine start and stop? There are many more uses.

  • What does "internal" and "external" sensor mean?

    MSR dataloggers are equipped with a temperature, humidity, pressure and acceleration sensor which are "internal" as standard, i.e. they are installed inside the datalogger's case. However, some applications require the use of "external" sensors in order to be able to take readings directly "on-the-spot." For such measurements it is possible to connect the temperature and/or humidity and/or pressure sensor externally with a choice of cable lengths of 15cm, 40cm, 100cm or 160cm. It must be noted here that, for each measurement parameter, either an internal or an external sensor can be connected - but not both internal and external sensors for the same parameter at the same time.

  • Do I need the temperature sensor if I already have a humidity or pressure sensor?

    That depends upon your particular measurement requirements. The sensors for relative humidity and pressure each include their own temperature sensor and the temperatures they measure can be evaluated separately. However, the accuracy of the standalone temperature sensor is greater (see the technical specification of the sensors on our product pages). If your results depend upon extremely accurate temperature measurements we recommend that you use the separate temperature sensor.

  • My datalogger is displaying temperature values that are clearly too high.

    The datalogger is fitted with a rechargeable battery that warms up during charging. This warming of the battery causes the temperature to read high if an internal temperature sensor is used. In order to measure the correct temperature, either disconnect the datalogger from the USB interface or use an external temperature sensor.


    020-3874 4528 ; 3874 4538 | sales@hj-baofeng.net
   广州虹科电子科技有限公司  版权所有
   华南理工大学 国家科技园 2-504
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