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    Squirrel 2010 数据记录仪问题解答

    Battery Power

    How long will the batteries last in the SQ2010 Logger?
    With all channels logging, the following table can be used as a guide:

    Logging Interval SQ2010
    1 Second 3.5 days
    15 Seconds 31 days
    1 Minute 75 days
    5 Minutes 82 days
    15 Minutes 145 days

    These results were conducted with a new set of Duracell Procell manganese alkaline batteries at 25 C, temperatures below about 10 C or other batteries could change values drastically. These results assume that the 5V external power supply is not being used.

    What happens when the batteries are exhausted?
    It is not possible to arm the logger when below approximatley 5.5 volts. If the unit was logging when the voltage dropped below this point, it will disarm automatically.

    Can I power from external supply?
    Yes, between 8-28Vdc only. Includes 12Vdc battery.

    What happens if the external supply fails?
    If the external power fails, batteries must be fitted to prevent loss of data. In the case of a power failure, the logger will switch to the battery supply and continue with no interruption.

    How is the battery level displayed?
    By the use of a "bar" multi-segment battery indicator on the logger display and, if required, the actual voltage is displayed in the appropriate screen both on the logger display and in SquirrelView.

    Can the 2010 Logger be used on a vehicle?
    The logger is designed to be powered from a 12V vehicle system directly, higher system voltagess will require the use of a suitable convertor.

    Can the Logger be powered by the USB port?

    How do I power the GSM modem?
    External supply voltage (if connected) is provided at the I/O socket. This is made available for powering external devices. The voltage is permanent and cannot be switched ON or OFF.

    Can I power sensors from the logger?
    Yes Via connection terminal EA external supply (as supplied into the DC power socket Max 100mA B 5V regulated output Max 50mA

    Can the internal batteries be rechargeable?
    No only?C cell?alkaline batteries should be used

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    Connections and Communications

    Is the Logger USB 2.0 Compliant?

    Can I connect to the logger remotely?
    Yes via 3rd party Ethernet or wireless adapters as well as GSM and dial-up modems.
    Contact Grant Instruments or your distributor for more details.

    Is the logger real 'plug & play' via USB?
    Windows will automatically detect the presence of your data logger, supplied drivers will be required the first time used.

    What if I connect to both ports simultaneously?
    The USB and serial ports may be physically connected at the same time, however, the logger will talk to only one external host at a time.

    Can the logger survive mains supply accidentally connected to the inputs?
    The unit is not designed to withstand such an event, however the unit is ESD protected.

    Can the logger connect to the ethernet?
    Yes we supply a serial RS232, Ethernet converter kit (SQ20A801) a power adaptor lead is included with the kit to power the modem and the Squirrel from the mains power pack (MPU-12V)

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    Can I download while the logger is logging?
    Yes if downloaded via SquirrelView. The logger will download until the point that the instruction to download was issued.

    Can I download by time?
    Yes, use the advanced function in the download screen.

    What is the alarm output regime (one per channel)?
    User specified triggers can activate a total of 2 alarm outputs. As an example; these triggers may be based upon channel conditions.

    What can I trigger from?
    Triggers can be from analogue, digital channels or time.

    Can I print direct from the logger?
    No, this can only be achieved via the host.

    Why is the Ref Junction set automatically when I select a Thermocouple in Sensor Type?
    Thermocouples do not measure absolute temperature, they only measure the temperaturre difference between the sensing end (the probe tip) and the reference end (where the probe plugs into the logger). To aquire the absolute temperature the logger adds together the temperature difference measured by the thermocouple to the temperature of the reference junction. The reference junction temperature is measured by the Reference Junction channel. To save the user from having to remeber to turn on the Reference Junction channel, SquirrelView and the logger do it automatically whenever a thermocouple channel is selected.

    Can the logger be used outside?
    The logger is not weatherproof if to be used outside or in damp conditions it will need to be placed in an IP rated enclosure

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    Can I read my data using notepad (.csv file)?
    By using SquirrelView you are able to export data to .csv format to a preferred spreadsheet.

    Can I fit the SQ2010 to a wall?
    Yes, contact Grant Instruments or your distributor for details.

    How often does the logger require calibration?
    Drift is not expected although annual calibration is recommended. In real terms this is dependant upon use. Contact Grant Instruments or your distributor for further details. The last date of cal;ibration can be viewed via SquirrelView->Diagnostics->2010 Squirrel.

    What is the Inter-channel isolation?
    The analogue inputs are isolated from the logger's supply but must all be within ±25V of each other and within ±25V of the logger's negative power supply; the digital inputs are directly connected to the logger's negative supply andd must be in the range 0V to +5V for correct operation. The protection on the analogue inputs will turn on outside the ±25V range and will try to limit them to about ±50V. The input protection will be destroyed if it is connected to a low impedance source (e.g. 230V mains supply) but it will protect against high impedance sources such as an electro-static discharge from a person. The protection on the digital inputs will turn on at about -0.5V and +6V and will protect the inputs up to about ±25V although operation outsude the 0-5V range may cause counting errors. Again, the digital inputs (and outputs) are protected against electro-static discharge from a person.

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    How long will the memory last?
    How long the memory will last is mainly dependant upon the number of channels set and their sample rate. For sample rates that are sub-hertz, 16 bytes are used per reading (less than 16 bytes is used when logging sub-hertz). If channel 1 was logging every second it would take approximately 11 days to fill the interval capacity or 16 weeks if logging every 10 seconds. If 4 channels log every 10 seconds the memory would fill in approximately 40 days.

    What happens when the memory is full?
    The logger will disarm and go into the memory full condition. The logger cannot be armed again until enough free space is made available by the deletion of data. Download and most other functions will still be available when the memory is full.

    Can I choose how much memory to download?
    It is not possible to specify memory but it is possible to download between two specified times.

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    How fast can I log with n number of channels?
    See Sample Rates under 2010 Squirrel.

    Can I have different channels logging at different speeds?
    Yes, a total of 4 sample intervals can be specified, but they must be multiples of each other.

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    Front Panel Controls

    How many Channels can I view on the logger display at the same time?
    In the meter mode 3 channels are displayed on the screen at one time and others can be viewed by using the up and down arrows.

    How many channels can I view on the graph display at the same time?
    Only one channel can be viewed on the graph, and this is chosen from the meter mode.

    Can I display sampled inputs in real time?
    The metering feature allows data to be viewed on the logger display or SquirrelView at approximately 1Hz, regardless of channel sample rates.

    Can you lock and disable the keypad?
    You can configue the logger such that no changes to setup can be made (read only). Refer to the Configuration Tab in SquirrelView Logger Setup.

    Can I program the logger from the front panel?
    Yes you are able to configue channels using the front panel buttons as well as being able to load pre-configured setups that have previously been stored in the logger.

    Can I start logging from the front panel key pad?
    Yes the logger can be armed and disarmed from the front keypad.

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