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    Configuration program for transmitters and transducers

    TSensor - Configuration program for temperature-humidity-pressure transmitters with analog, serial or Ethernet outputs (Txxxx range and Hxxx range). (2,6 MB, ver. Hxxx transmitters are supported only partially in this version - contact our support if you have any problems. You need also special communication cable for analog output transmitters (SP003), and USB port driver for this cable. Driver is automatically installed during program setup on Windows 2000 and Windows XP systems. Driver for Windows 98, Windows ME has to be installed separately (see link USB adapter driver above on this page). No special communication cable and USB driver are required for transducers with serial RS232, RS485 or Ethernet outputs.

    Data read and store utility

    SensorReader (1 MB) - Simple utility for monitoring and storing data from one serial or ethernet transducer (models Txxxx, Pxxxx), ver. Program enables to alarm acoustically the PC user if adjusted alarm limits are exceeded. Recorded values in CSV format are easy to process in e.g. Excel. Program can be started several times on a computer at the same time to monitor values from several transmitters. Program can be run as service, see instructions in pdf.

    USB cable driver

    USB cable driver for Windows 98, Windows ME (355kB)
    USB cable driver for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista (1040kB)
    - driver for USB communication cable for transmitters Txxx (driver is installed automatically when you install TSensor program on machine with Windows 2000 or higher so there is no need to download driver separately). Unzip downloaded file to harddisk folder and plug USB cable into computer's USB port. Windows try to find appropriate driver - enter where unzipped files are placed. Folder with files can be erased after installation and computer should be restarted.

    MIB tables

    If you want to use SNMP protocol with LAN adapter, download MIB tables (21 kB).


    Current version of firmware (1-5-1.06 20.10.2008) and www pages for Tx5xx transmitters: Tx5xx-1_5_1_06.zip (144 kB).
    Current version of firmware (4-5-1.19 27.2.2009) and www pages for P85xx transmitters: P85xx-4_5_1_19.zip (127 kB)

    WWW pages templates

    If you want to create your own version of web pages in transmitter, download these files:

    • templates for transmitters Tx5xx (182 kB)
    • templates for transmitters P85xx (62 kB)
    Other files necessary for web pages creation: jsgraphics1.js, mimetype.ini, web2cob, WebFileCreator (405 kB), pdf manual.

    Third-party software

    For acquiring values from several transmitters, third party software is necessary to use. Tested functionality is with programs:

    LabVIEW from National Instruments, by means of the free Modbus Library for LabVIEW. For viewing of actual values and graphs from Tx5xx transmitters following example of application was created in LabVIEW 8.5 : Tx5xx-Ethernet.vi

    Tested functionality is also with programs TIRS.NET, ControlWeb, EasyView.
    For record of values to graphs via web interface, project Cacti www.cacti.net is available.


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